Buddy bday

PitaPata Dog tickers



Ok. Talk about taking a few steps backwards.
Let's see I'm gonna start fresh here- I joined the Air Force- surprise right. Well I came in at about 150 toward the end of April.. I gained like 12lb in basic-- some say muscle I say a pound is a pound... whatever.
Now I'm in tech school and gained another 15ish pounds!!!
All this hard work that it took to get me here has literally just gone out the friggin window.
I've cried an ASS LOAD no lies.
So I've hit the reset button. I'm going to attempt no gimics and do my weight watchers thing. It's so hard to fit in PT b/c my day is literally accounted for from 430am to 530pm... by the time night rolls around I'm so tired I can hardly think.
My mom and I are going to email each other our weights in the morning, I'm frightened because I feel like a fat cow. I guess I like it here that I can ramble on about my weight and noone reads it- well noone I know at least.
I'm hopeful this will help me stay accountable... blah

I want to cry.