Had check out today in boot camp- 5k run, 2 mile bike and 250m row. It was... well seemed harder than check in but somehow managed to do better.... what the..-
So ok my speed was higher but it just seemed harder- like not my legs, not my heart.. my fricken brain. I got this raging headache about a mile and a half in and it was hard to focus on not falling ha. God I felt like a fail.
Hopped on the scale after.. w/jeans and it's saying 175.6 so I'm not going to eat tonight. If that's what I weigh after burning 640 calories then I'm not on track for a good week. I'm going to officially hop on tomorrow morning in scrubs and in the a.m. to shoot for an accurate reading haha.
Ryan and I went to pick up our good friend Mary.. Jane, last night. Ryan and her chilled last night as I crashed. I felt like crap this morning when I woke up.. so I called in. I took a short nap, ran over to get the paper work for a piss test to get this second job- the clinic I went to was a total joke- over an hour wait! boo
Well, now that that's done I'm free to befriend Mary again- we had a 5 week falling out.
After that super shitty workout and this brain ache I'm thinking we're gonna go ahead and chill tonight actually.
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